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I'm In Awe

I’m in awe...

Known as the Hound Dog of Heaven, God has been tracking her down - for months. Correct that.  Her whole, live-long life.

Ever since walking through our doors a few months back - fresh off the street - the thirst in her heart to know God and be known by Him has drawn her to keep coming back for more.  Now, her boyfriend is in tow...

Since age sixteen, her primary dwelling has been a Columbia County cell block, or the street.  She’s 28, now.  Ugh!  That’s a long time.  

Created for community, God has entrusted her to Branches to be that place where, bravely, she can connect and belong.  You see, a fight for her freedom and spiritual transformation is taking place.

Over intentional cups of coffee at Cathedral, she opens up about those she cares for most in life - family and friends who are also caught up in the enemy’s trap and an empty world system.  

Scribbled lists of questions about faith come out of her pocket. She’s looking for answers - real ones - not pat answers.

Like a chick in the midst of hatching, she’s slowly and persistently pecking away at her self-protective shell.  I take comfort in the fact that there’s no need to rush the process.  In fact, it’s dangerous to do so.  God is doing His work and will do so in His timing.  

Sure, she’s hesitant.  It takes time to trust.  Too, the thought of life outside the shell can be overwhelming. Will she truly find the protection she longs for?  Fear of rejection, being judged and ostracized is real. Yet, amazingly, she keeps venturing close.

The next thing you know, she’s asking for a Bible to read and sources she can go to that will feed her awakened spirit.  Last week, she said she’d like to get baptized.  Is that amazing, or what…?

What I love about our church is that we’re doing all we can to provide an environment where people are free to say, “I’m just looking.”  

As we invite people to belong before they’ve determined what they believe and without feeling obligated to behave, walls come down.  When walls come down, hearts soften.  And a soft heart is great soil for good seed…

“For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.  He will cover you with His feathers.  He will shelter you with His wings.  His faithful promises are your armor and protection.  Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day.”
-Psalms 91:3-5-
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