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Board of Elders Update

Recently Branches Board of Elders went from 5 elders down to 4. We shared with you a few weeks ago the resignation of Christopher Mock. You can click here to read that post if you missed it.  

We are proud to announce that the Board of Elders has brought on two new additions to the team!  Here is a little bit about them!

Briana Rotter

From a very young age, Briana was taught about Jesus and raised in the church. While she is grateful for that upbringing now, her teenage years were spent in anger and bitterness at her family. It was until Briana reached her 20's when the Holy Spirit started to open her eyes to grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Even today she is moved to tears at the story of the gospel.
Briana has a long history of serving at Branches, specifically in the Kids and Youth departments. Now, she has turned her considerable administrative gifts to the Finance Committee and the Board of Elders where her unique insights and experience in the nonprofit sector really shine.
When not helping around the church or teaching as a nurse educator, Briana has found a new favorite hobby: cooking dinner at home with her 3 year old.

Briana brings many skills to the board. She holds a doctorate of Nursing practice, she is a certified family nurse practitioner and a certified nurse educator. Her expertise is not only in nursing, but also in strategic planning, quality improvement, critical evaluation and team building. Briana's passion for people to come to know Jesus as their lord and savior, as well as having healthy teams is something we look forward to having on our team! We are excited to have her join us on the board.

Ryan Cook

An Oregon native, Ryan lived in Scappoose as a kid. At a young age, Ryan's parents moved the entire family to Mexico to work as missionaries for a year. When they came back to the states they landed in Phoenix, AZ. Most of Ryan's growing up took place in Phoenix, including high school and Northern Arizona University where he completed a business degree.
Ryan met his wife, Jessica, while serving as the Music & Media Pastor at Desert Breeze Community Church. From 2009 to 2014 they moved to Portland, became church planters, became parents of three kids, and wound up back in Scappoose.
Ryan loves just about anything related to music and technology, but also loves traveling and just spending some quality time with the family.

You probably have seen Ryan playing the keyboard or guitar and singing on Sunday mornings. He has been faithfully serving Branches in this capacity for the last couple of years and is a big reason why our music at Branches is what it is. Ryan works as the Director of Support Services at Delta AV out of Gresham.
We are very excited for the expertise, experience, and value that both Ryan and Briana bring to the Board of Elders. As Branches continues to navigate all that comes with being a growing church, their perspective and wisdom will provide stability and thoughtful solutions, as well as an immense spiritual care for our church! I look forward to working alongside them to accomplish what God has set in front of us. 

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