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Why School?

Why School?

I am currently just over 2 years into a 3 year program at Western Seminary studying for a Masters in Applied Biblical Leadership. A question I have been asked frequently over the last 2 years is: "Why are you going back to school?" Trust me, I have asked that same question to myself… I get it, I am already a pastor, why would I need more schooling? Besides, taking on a role like this and starting a grad program in the same month seems borderline sadistic.

Yet I believe the pros outweigh the cons. Why?

I am playing the long game. I knew going into leading a church that the first couple of years would be brutal. I decided to make them a little more brutal, knowing that after year 3 I would be much better equipped and ready to really get to work. This community so desperately needs a move of God, and I believe He is going to do something incredible through Branches Church. I want to be prepared when He does.

I take this role of leadership seriously. Maybe my view of what pastors should be is overinflated. But I think the people who are preaching the good news of what Jesus did for the world, comforting people in death and suffering and those who are discipling and those who are performing marriage covenant ceremonies should know what they are doing. I want to have enough of the right answers when people come for advice. I want people to take their faith seriously, so I had better take my job seriously.

I can tell you with confidence that these last two years have helped me and the church immensely! It does come at a cost, I am often overextended and certain processes within Branches have taken longer to correct/develop than our leadership team would have liked.

Over these next 10 months I would love your prayers for me and my family as I finish school, I would also appreciate your grace as things develop. At the same time be ready to be a part of what God is going to do through Branches in this next season. He is able.

20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 21 Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20–21.

In Christ,
