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"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Matthew 28:19-20

At Branches, we value going.

Branches embraces the value of going by teaming up with missions and missionaries around the world. Below you'll be introduced to the men, women, and organizations that we partner with to see the gospel presented into the far corners of the earth.

Meet Suki Kangas

Suki brings more than 6 years of missions experience to bear by helping to equip and coach the next generation of missionary leaders. Currently, Suki serves full time with  Global Front Missions, or GFM and is on the board of Equip & Grown.

GFM is a missionary training organization specifically preparing people to minister to the almost 40% of the world's population who have never heard of Jesus..
Equip & Grow is a ministry that equips teachers and ministry leaders from all over the world with curriculum designed to grow children's ministries.

Suki works in IT & Creative Media and when it's time to unwind, she enjoys playing board games with her friends.

Meet the Lehnert Family

The Lehnert Family helps run a ministry called Respect The Corners in Kona Hawaii.  Respect  The Corners uses the avenues of sports and fitness to train up coaches and athletes, and use their respective platforms as a means of discipleship and tool the reach the lost.  RTC has grown over the last 5 years to having trained up hundreds of coaches that have been sent into the nations, additionally, bible trekking is a primary focus of the ministry in places most individuals can't get to due to physical limitations.  

Southeast Asia, South America, Africa, Europe and North America are all countries RTC has presence in.  Our heart is to see lives transformed by the power of the gospel and the love of Jesus.   Fitness is a universal language that allows us to go into the hardest and darkest of places and spread light that changes lives.

Respect the Corners Vision
There are hundreds of thousands of people who have never been given the opportunity to choose Jesus. Many of these people live in remote regions in the world where access to the Bible is extremely limited due to their location.  The villages they live in are only accessible by foot and can take days of walking to reach. These people will only receive the Bible in their language if someone brings it to them.  We reach out to those communities by taking  volunteers and trekking  Bibles into remote regions. Join us on the adventure of a lifetime and join a trek or consider supporting us financially.  

Meet Erin & Ryan Fast!

Ryan and Erin have a passion for teens and a heart for discipleship.  They desire to see a movement of God raise up in Portland, OR and around the world.  After investing 20+ years in the lives of teens throughout the U.S. and worldwide, Ryan and Erin are serving with the High School ministry of Cru  (Campus Crusade for Christ) in Portland, OR. 

Cru’s commitment to “Know, Grow and Go,” is living its way out in the lives of students in Portland as they gather to Grow in their relationship with Christ and Go onto their campuses to share their faith with others.  Will you help us continue to train and equip students?

Jeff & Channy Rasmussen

Jeff & Channy Rasmussen run a ministry in Cambodia called SALT. This Christian organization carefully selects 40 at risk teenage boys & girls into SALT’s intensive full time education, soccer & discipleship program. The kids enter the program around 13 and stay until they graduate highschool. They come from backgrounds of abuse, trafficking & poverty. The graduates of this program enter society as confident, christian change makers with a variety of real world marketable skills to carry them for a life.

What makes SALT truly special is its deep roots of multiplication. The 40 are invested into, trained, discipled & then sent out to multiply everything they have been blessed with. They do this through several powerful methods such as: coaching in their communities, teaching English & sharing the Gospel in our youth soccer leagues.

Jeff & Channy have been serving in Cambodia for over 16 years and this is their sweet spot. They feel so privileged to be a part of what God is doing through SALT in Cambodia.

Ready to get involved?

Pray for missionaries!

Never underestimate the power of prayer. Everyone can have a part in reaching the unreached and supporting the service of missionaries everywhere through prayer. Your prayers are important, meaningful, and have impact!

Donate to missions!

With your generous donation, Branches is able to financially support missional work around the world. Head on over to the Branches Giving page and select "Missions" from the funds dropdown. Your generosity is directly impacting lives for the kingdom of God!

Need something else?

That was a lot of information. Hopefully it was helpful and you're able to start living out the Great Commission. But if you have questions or inquiries, don't be shy and click the button to learn more about Branches Missions.