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Staffing Transition

Staffing Transition

2 years ago we had a need for a Branches Kids Director and we had an unexpected candidate apply. Vickie had a résumé a mile long, decades of experience with ministry and kids, and she was also of age when most would be looking to do less work rather than take on a growing kids ministry. Vickie joined our staff with the tenacity and excitement as that of a motivated child, and she thrived. In less than a year the amount of kids attending Branches Kids doubled (see previous blog post), yet she embraced the challenge, even though it meant she could no longer carve out the time to write handwritten letters to kids when they had a birthday or missed a week. Her joy in doing the work that God called her to do was infectious and inspirational to many, including myself.

She knew she could not maintain this pace forever, and graciously requested a successor that she could mentor and raise up. A year ago Kendy stepped into that role, and the two hit it off immediately. Their complementary strengths and opposing weaknesses allowed for both to grow together and today, Branches Kids is stronger because of it.

As of January 1, Vickie has stepped into a volunteer role where she will continue to love and support Branches Kids. Kendy is carrying on the mantle of Branches Kids director, and we have hired Miram Pauker to be her new assistant. Miriam brings with her years of vocational experience in kids and youth as well as a great attitude and heart for the kingdom.

Please thank Vickie when you see her (she loves hugs), and welcome Miriam as we move on to this new and exciting season with Branches Kids.

In Christ,
