Laura Kotka
Temperament: Red
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 46:10
Favorite Movie: Family Man
Favorite Book: The Bible of course!
Theme Song: "I'll Fly Away" by Jars of Clay (It reminds me that my goal is to fly away and live with Jesus when this earthly life is over.)
Desired Super Power: Instantly transport people so they could see their loved ones.
Hobbies & Interests: DIY projects, decorating, reading, baking, knitting, psychology
Favorite Spiritual Discipline: Studying the bible using a good commentary book, and worshiping through song.
Me in 5 or Less: I am a strong, compassionate, grateful, organized person. I am an introvert in disguise because when I'm around people I am extremely outgoing, thus you would think I am an extrovert. But I get my energy from solitude. I am a redeemed child of God and am so grateful that Jesus offered to wipe my slate clean. Christ gives me peace.