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Meet Mike...

Michael Curl

Director of Communications & Service Programming

Temperament: That weird blue-yellow.
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 1:18
Favorite Movie: Star Trek (JJ Abrams first one)
Favorite Book: Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Theme Song: Superman main theme
Desired Super Power: Teleportation
Hobbies & Interests: I like to read, write, and play ukulele. I'm a hobbyist woodworker and general handy-man. I also like video games and game nights with friends.
Favorite Spiritual Discipline: Fellowship & Service
Me in 5 or Less: I accepted Jesus at the age of 19 and received a powerful vision of what my life could and would be in the service of God. I spent a large amount of time wandering from job to job (growing up), while consistently serving in the local church as a volunteer. At some point, Branches desired to bring me on full time and I haven't looked back. My wife, Aaryn, and our two kids enjoy time spent playing games, traveling, and horsing around together with our pets.