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Summer Schedule

Summer is here!

Hey Branches, made it to summer! And after the year we’ve had, everyone needs to get out, go on vacation, see friends and family, and enjoy the season. So in recognition of the need for everyone to have a little more time in their schedules we're making a shift: For July and August we are going to consolidate our 9AM and 10:30AM services down to one at 10AM starting Sunday, July 4th. We’ll resume our regularly scheduled 9AM/10:30AM services after Labor Day in September.

We're thrilled to say that this isn’t in response to a crisis of any kind. Far from it! Thanks to your regular and consistent giving, Branches continues to meet our budgetary needs. This allows us to do what we do every week and we are looking at more ways to partner and serve in our community over the summer.

We ask a lot of our staff and volunteers (thank you!) and believe that this will reduce some of the burden for volunteers and department scheduling over the summer. The trends we are seeing indicate that life will look much more “normal” come the fall and we expect to see many of our friends and family back together.

So for now, go out and enjoy the sun with your friends and family! We look forward to seeing you on Sundays at 10AM starting July 4th.

May God richly bless you!

~Ryan and the Leadership Team
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